Blood test is the most accurate to test whether if you are pregnant ornot. I did a blood test and found out that I am pregnant when I was on the 3rd week only. It is best to visit the gynae on 8th week as that’s the best time you can see your baby and heartbeat with the ultrasound. As before that, baby is too small to be seen. Hope it helps. Takecare!
Too early to be seen (although some mummies do get to see) or you're probably much earlier than 6+5 (LMP based is not 100% accurate). Always advisable to go for a scan at 8 weeks & above. Heed your gynae's advice and wait for another 2 weeks to do a re-scan.
thank you for your reply. hope everything is alright 🙏🙏 I choose to do blood test. result will be out on Tuesday.
i had the same issue and discovered i was actually only 5 weeks along instead of 6! so for that first gynae visit i only saw yolk sac too