Week 5 to 6 ultrasound picture
Any mummies willing to share your ultrasound scans here? Went for my first scan and gestational sac dated 5.5weeks but no yolk and fetal pole. Doctor seems concerned about missed miscarriage, awaiting scan in 2 weeks. Curious how a week 5 to 6 scan should look like..

when I first called the obgyn clinic to make a booking, they told me that i must wait til week6 then can go for the first ultrasound scan, as i wont be able to see anything before that. found out i was pregnant when 2-3weeks (as shown on Clearblue digital test kit), so i waited for week 6 and did a transvaginal ultrasound scan, there was heartbeat. not sure why your clinic asked u to go before 6weeks... as each visit is not cheap
Read moreThis was my transvaginal scan at 6w1d at SGH. I was lucky to be able to see and hear baby’s heart beat. 5.5-6 weeks is actually really early and it’s rare that much can be detected so try not to be disheartened 🙂 best of luck for your next scan!

I went gov hospital to do scan at 6 weeks and dr also say the same things, no yolk & fetal pole so I was worried and went to private clinic to do virginal scan and dr manage to find the heart beat and baby . So don’t worry.
couldnt find anything at all on transabdominal hence had to do a transvaginal but to see an empty sac :( but glad to hear your second scan went well! anxiously waiting my next scan.
it’s too early to detect yolk and fetal pole at week 5.5! dunno why your dr make you worry unnecessarily like that. mine only was visible at week 7-8, heartbeat at week 9
thanks for sharing, i do hope im overthinking. Dr seemed quite serious and concerned of that possibility. i was caught off guard and couldnt ask much about it at the point in time...
6 week scan with fetus and yolk sac. baby's age is matching the 1st day from last period. my friends baby was 6 weeks at 8 week scan. everyone is different

Normally scans starts at 7-8weeks? Can also hear bb’s heartbeat.
This was mine at 5 weeks. Little dot there is the yolk sac

Week 5