I am wondering why my wife keeps saying that being a stay at home mum is such hard work. I am not trolling here - but i frankly dont understand. Seems simple enough to me. I have taken care of my kids and home all weekend before and it's definitely no where as stressful as having a job. Our kid is 11 months and is formula fed. We live in a 4 rm flat.

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Quite a bit of work actually. You are only focusing on the baby but there are household chores to be done too. Maybe you can consider doing what she may have done over the week... Let’s break it down (what we do on a stay home basis): - preparing and cooking for self and baby (if your baby is already starting on solid food) - prepare and bath the baby - washing, hanging, keeping and folding laundry - usual wipe, sweep, mopping of floors, baby play area, toys and other counter tops - buy groceries if needed - prepare and cook dinner for everyone - teach and entertain baby or bring baby out for a walk - change diapers every few hours - coax baby to sleep, to be quiet (that’s aside from finding time to go to the loo, bath or have her meal or take a breather)

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I'm stay home mum since my lo was born three months ago. These are how I feel as stay home mum compared to my previous working life 1) boring, every day is the same 2) no feeling of fulfilment if wife is career oriented 3) no salary no financial independence 4) surrounding/people/topic changed 5) NEVER ENDING HOUSE CHORES 6) not rewarding, don't get appreciated as some people thought we are having good life at home. Worst is when people think we are lazy and unable to share the burden with husband The stress as stay home mum is different from working. Playing with kids and taking care of them are different too. Nanny for few days is nothing compared to the 24/7 mum. Why not ask your mum to take care of lo and let your wife go back to work?

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I am a SAHM. My everyday routine work is like wake up 7am to prepare food for my 13mths, food must be ready by 9. Feed him, 1 hr later bathe him, 2 hrs later give milk(formula), coax him to nap. Den work still continue.. Washing dishes, wipe the stove. Clean baby toys. But I will still take nap as well if I'm tired. After bb woke up.. Change him, warm the porridge, feed him, entertain him. 3 hrs later, he will hungry and I need to feed him, waiting to bathe him, entertain him, till 10pm, give milk, coax him to sleep. After he fall into deep sleep, I need to prepare ingredients for tomorrow porridge, do laundry. Finally.. I able to take shower.

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I'm a SAHM . Like what most SAHM mentioned above , it is a 24/7 thingy.. no off day , no me time , on TOP of that u need to juggle housework , cooking etc etc.. it is not so easy jus by taking care over the weekends . Moreover u only have 1 child. 1 child is manageable if u only need to take care of the child n no need to do housework , cooking etc . I was a working Mom prior to that n frankly , I find working is easier in comparison to being a SAHM . You won't know how it feels until u quit your job with no income n be a SAHM to take care of your child alone n do housework n cook etc . Try it first then u will understand fully

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Doing a one weekend stint and being a full time stay at home dad is very different. It’s like your wife saying my husband’s job is a piece of cake after subbing for you for a day. Your job is a day time job with a clear start and end time. Stay at home mums work continuously fir 24 hours. She can’t clock out at 6pm and say her shift has ended. Who will take care of the baby then? Does your work require go keep awake on and off throughout the night to feed your baby or to answer your phone throughout the night non-stop e every time it rings? So see your wife’s plight from a different perspective. One that is more understanding.

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Hi daddy, u taking care of your 11mo baby over the weekend thumbs up to u at least your wife can have some "me" time maybe... but apart from taking care of the kids, do you also help on marketing, cooking and house chores too? Just taking care of the kids isn't that hard but at the same time need to do the rest as I asked above are not easy. Some babies still woke up in the middle of the night for milk, usually daddy is the one sleep damn soundly. Appreciate what your wife is doing especially if she given up her stable job to look after your kids. Men will never understand until they become a sahf.. 😄😄😄

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If you have it easy, congrats to you! Maybe you are really good with children and don't find it a chore taking care of them, or your kid behaves himself around you. And life is definitely easier when you have only 1 child. Also, wait till your child learns how to walk, run and climb on furniture. Then, SAHM becomes a harder job. I was a SAHM only during my maternity leave, and I would say it's tough when you got to keep your eyes on your child no matter what you are doing (even going to the toilet or showering). The biggest sacrifice is a SAHM's personal time - there is just no more left.

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Facing a child during the weekend and facing a child during weekdays is different issue. Congrats that you are a daddy who is able to handle the kids well, but have you faced them during their sick and cranky days? Have you tried managing the household with cooking and all? It's not a matter of formula fed or breast fed. Yes, working outside is stressful. Working at home as a SHAM is also EQUALLY stressful. Sorry to say, but i feel that you are being ignorant on how tiring it is to be a sahm. Why don't u stay home be a sahd whereas ur wife heads out to work?

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It is good that you feel less stress as compared to work. However, taking care of the kids on weekend alone doesnt mean it is easy. Did u try full weekends without a single help from your wife? Also, did u try to do household chores like (eg: washing clothes, ironing, cleaning the house, going market, preparing meals, etc) cox all these will be done on a daily basis for a stay home mum. Probably best gauge would be you trying out for 1 mth as a stay home dad. After the 1 mth, it could probably be better to say if its easy or tough. :)

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depends on both workloads. Being a SAHM, it means you are on 24hrs standby(like every 3hrs feeding).Lack of sleep n rest. Not only that, you have laundry, housechores, cook. Beside entertaining the baby, you also need to entertain the husb. Sometimes, you go no me time at all. While husband only does one thing which is work. Understand that work also hard work cuz use physical/mental and some wife lets their husb sleep while she wakes up wee hrs handling baby. I salute to those women who goes to work and also handling a baby after work and wee hrs.

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