Maternity Insurance

Hi all, can I check if everyone of you bought or some of you didn’t? Is it really necessary? Or if you bought, did u really use it?

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But I’ve cleared the harmony test as low risk, so far in 25th week, still healthy and all as checked by gynae, is maternity insurance still necessary?

VIP Member

I didn’t buy but I think if you don’t have a lot of savings or backup emergency fund then it’s good to have insurance. Just for peace of mind.

5y ago

Thanks for your feedback!

Bought for the first one. Didn't use it. Didn't buy for the second one.

Did not buy. Check if your company group policy covers for it

VIP Member

I didn’t. Normal pregnancy n Low risk so I dun c the need

I got buy! It's always better to have a self assurance Haha

Coverage for maternity insurance isn't that good though

I didn't buy. I think it's really your own preference

VIP Member

I didn't buy hmm

Super Mum

I did not buy.