Can I bring my baby who is 6 months old for a swim in the public pool? If can can I bring her every weekend? Thanks

6MO wake time is Max 2 hours- less in the morning and increases towards the end of the day. I would suggest afternoon or late afternoon (before bedtime). Make sure she has a good nap prior to waking and is well rested before you bring her to the pool. Take into account the time required for traveling (to and fro) and washing up before deciding how long she should spend in the pool.
Read moreI did just make sure you keep your baby warm right after the swim by wrapping the baby when the baby is done with the swim. Avoid swimming in the noon as the sun will be too strong for the baby. I prefer to swim around 10am when the pool is not so cold or hot
I did! As long as baby was well, i had no issues with that being said, every weekend maybe a little much for a 6month old. Why dont you start off with 1 session, followed by the next session periodically? That maybe helpful for both baby and you. :)
Ok thank u
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Yes definitely can. Just dont forget to apply sunscreen / protective lotion. My baby used to get rashes after the first swim without protection.
I used to apply Ego Sun Sense toddlers Milk. If you are residing in Singapore, you can get it at the National Skin Centre, Guardian, Polyclinics. Probably Hospital Pharmacy should have too. i will try to upload a picture here.
Yeah I bring my baby every weekend for a swim. About 30 mins. Been doing it since 4 months.
Of course you can and don't forget apply the sunscreen protection lotion special for baby.
This is a sample picture of the Ego Sun Sense. Nivea and other Brands do carry too.

Absolute! We brought our lo every week when she was 4mths old. She love it!
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