I been giving friso cereal to my 13 month. Any suggest which other cereal good?

I give almost all the cereals under the Hipp brand. By 13 months, ur child should be moving well into 3 meals and mainly solid food. So I can also consider giving him "normal" breakfast? I know cereal is a fast and good option - I relied on it (all the different flavors) for months until my boy was sick of it and would only take a few mouth full. My boy is 14months now
Read moreI personally love Healthy Times brand cereals. They have different stages written on e box. Gotta see it properly before buying. U can also give instant Quaker oats which mummies here said can give. Those sold in small tins which adults/elderly ppl love to eat. My boy juz finished a small tin of it.
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At 13 months old, solids should be the main source of nutrients so you can actually move on to rice, noodles, pasta, bread etc - there's no real need to be feeding cereal (or even milk) anymore!
Gerber rice cereal is good. It comes with natural flavouring and there is variety like banana, Apple, peach and blueberry etc. My lo likes it very much. :)
Hi. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/getting-started-on-solid-food-with-infant-cereals
I've been giving Hipp since day 1. The boys love it. Mix some fruits into it for a healthier option.
You can consider oats instead! It's healthier and it has high fiber level!
Stick to friso It’s good Why do u want to change
Healthy Times organic cereal available from ntuc