C sec procedure
I will b doing c sec for my first baby. May I know who has undergo before and how is it like? Are you conscious awake throughout the operation? Do you feel anything and any laughing gas or epidural?

You can either be awake or asleep during C-section, but it's safer and under normal circumstances you will most likely be awake. Anaesthesia is injected to your spine (epidural) to numb you from the waist down, so you can't feel or move your legs. It's a funny feeling like your legs are super heavy. They gave me laughing gas when they wanted to put in the catheter but it didn't do anything for me and it was a bit painful 😅. I felt a little nauseous and was shaking my whole body incontrollably, all the way until the operation is over for a while. It was really quick though, I didn't even know if they already cut me open or not (I didn't feel anything, only some stretching on my skin) and already heard my baby cry. So the process itself was a breeze, recovery is a different story :)
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