My Husband checks out chicks when we are out together. He says its normal and no big deal. I think it's a total dick move. Am I being sensitive?

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I won't feel good too. I think it is inevitable guys will check out chicks. I mean even I sometimes look at pretty girls too and of course good looking guys though it is harder to come by good looking guys in Singapore :) Men are visual creatures. I think if your husband checks out girls but he tries to do it secretly or be tries not to be so obvious about it , I will think he at least respect your feelings. If he is doing it very obviously like turning his head or staring for a long time then I won't feel good and I will tell him off. Let him know how u feel and tell him that he should try not to do it so obviously or should cut down on it. To get him to stop looking may not be easy but he should at least tone down on it .

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