Delivery room companion
Hubbies in the delivery room - yay or nay?

While some who haven't experienced it yet might feel that this is something they would never miss and would definitely be with their partners whenever it happens, there are incidences where presence of partner in delivery room has caused longer and painful deliveries. Labouring woman has to completely relax and shut down any thinking process going in her mind to do a smooth and fast delivery. When someone is standing at your side who himself is anxious and tensed, it becomes really difficult to be in completely relaxed state of mind. There have been ample discussions on this online also by some very experienced doctors. You can read more about it and discuss with your partner also on how you both feel about the entire thing.
Read moreDepends on the couple. My mom didn't want my dad in the room during any of the deliveries because she knows he'll annoy her even though he's trying to encourage her. A girlfriend of mine rather not have her husband in the room too because she knew her husband is squeamish and I quote her, "don't need him remembering a baby's head everytime we try to be intimate". Haha. If it was me, I'd be fine with him in the room. It'll be a great (and messy) experience and I wouldn't wanna share it with anyone else. That being said, I'll have ground rules for him when he's in there like no over the top encouragements, no freaking out and cheesy lines. Would rather him just be there to hold my hand while I do the work ☺
Read moreDefinitely yay. My husband was beside me all throughout, holding my hand and comforting me. He was actually really afraid that I would die from pain from the labour but thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. I think it was a wonderful experience for him because he got to witness the birth of our daughter. When she was crowning and I was pushing, he told me that "her head kept going back in". It's an experience which brought both of us closer than before. Luckily, it didn't affect him in the bedroom and he's still raring to go even after seeing my mangled body with stretchmarks and loose skin and all.
Read moreDefinitely a yay! I personally think it sets a precedence for the rest of your lives as partners in parenthood. Having my husband in the delivery room makes it clear that we are responsible for this little one and that decisions to be made regarding his/her well being is in our hands. Although I wouldn't oppose it necessarily, I feel that having my mum or sister in the delivery room might give way to their opinions having a stronger impact on how I raise my children, as oppose to shared decision I make with my husband.
Read moreYes for sure. You've both been through this crazy journey of pregnancy together and this is the pinnacle! It's the most overwhelming indescribable feeling when your baby comes out in the world and I'm so glad my husband was part of it. That said - I set ground rules, no stupid jokes, I wanted him to be near me and holding my hand not running around trying to see if the baby was coming out, and no passing out (he freaks out when he sees blood!). It turned out to a really beautiful experience! :)
Read moreI want my husband to be in the delivery room with me. He is my moral and energy support throughout the past two deliveries. My hubby managed to cut the umbilical cord of our babies and to him it was the greatest experience. Also, he gets to hold the baby right after birth and feels amazed. I tell him for this time round, I need him to be my side as well otherwise I will get depression if he didn't manage to go into labor room with me.
Read moreI think this is a really personal decision. For me there was no doubt about it, my husband wanted to be in the delivery room so he was there to experience everything with me, especially as it was our first baby. But for a lot of my friends, they had their mother in the delivery room, as they too want to share the experience. So for my next delivery, I plan to have my mum with me.
Read moreYes! I would want my husband to be in the delivery room with me for support and encouragement. Even if he doesn't know what to say, holding my hand and squeezing it would be a good form of encouragement as well. You both have been on this journey together and I'm pretty sure he would want to be there with you to enjoy the special moment with you.
Read moreYes! I don't know what I would do without him there by my side. He's always been my pillar of strength so in situations like this, I don't think I can go through it with ease if he isn't there. Also, he's always claiming to love our future child more than I would ever do (nonsense). So I know that he would want to be there no matter what.
Read moreYes of course! In the marriage vows, he swore to stick through the good or worse! Unless he chickens out or born to be a faint-hearted guy, then he can opt out from this amazing experience that most dads would love to participate and receive the bundle of joy right in front of his eyes.