How to help bb remove their pi sai? Tried using tissue, bt never work. Ty

Generally, there is no need to clean a baby’s nose. You can simply dab the sides of his/her nose with a washcloth during face washing. You can also try using - Saline solution: purchase some saline solution for babies and children. Have your child in a position where his/her head is lower than his feet. Support his head (usually this may require help from another person). Gently squeeze one drop of the solution into each nostril. Give it one or two minutes for the solution to drain through the nasal passage. Your child will likely sneeze or cough out the thinned mucus. - Nasal aspirator: use a nasal aspirator to help suck the mucus out. When your baby is having a blocked nose, you can try these to help ease his/her discomfort: and if your child is having a runny nose, here are some things you can try: Lastly, it’s always useful to teach your child how to blow his/her nose. Best way will be to lead by example. Do a demonstration for him/her and let your child model after you. Break up the steps (take a breathe in, hold a tissue to the nose and ask him/her to blow out through his/her nose while keeping her mouth close) to help your child understand the process better. Hope this helps!
Read moreI use Pigeon nose tweezers for dry or flaky snot, bulb cleaner for those deep inside and tube cleaner for mucus. Some parents use cotton buds, but I don't encourage it as it may push the snot back up into the nose. Mine sleeps a lot better after we remove her mucus. It affects her drinking and she's uncomfortable, so I prefer to remove it than to wait for it to come out. If your baby is big enough, then you can get him or her to blow out the mucus.
Read moreWhen my boy was younger i use to use cotton wool and wet it and roll it up and use it to dig in his nose. Usually works cos the water in the cotton wool will soften any hard mucus. Now that hes older i just use my fingernail lol
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Rightfully don't need to clean. Haha ... but me, also hand itchy. See this sure can't tahan. Usually if my nail r long, I'll pick it straight away elae uae nose cleaner. Can't atand thw sight of it. Bo bian.
Read moreI use Pigeon nose cleaner. Its especially good when they are having running noise; watery mucus. Try not to use cotton bud; as its very dangerous especially when they sneeze!

I will use the baby cotton bud which you can purchase from guardian or Watson store to take out those visible nose secretion if it is bothering or else I will just leave it
use a cotton bud instead but be very careful . My mil always help baby remove but using those cotton bud . Can easily get from convenience store or supermarket
Perhaps the pi sai too dry? I'd usually clean the nose after warm bath with a tissue. Roll the tissue to long and 'pointy' then put it in gently to clean.
I usually do it during or after bath, using a wet cotton bud. it's softer and easier to remove. Rolled tissue can do the work too but it is very itchy.