Beansprout pillow for newborns
Has anyone tried using a beansprout pillow to help their babies sleep? Does it really work?

I haven't tried using a beansprout pillow for my newborn, but I've heard positive feedback from some parents who have used them. The pillows are made of natural materials and are said to provide a comfortable and supportive surface for the baby to rest on. However, it's important to note that babies should always be placed on their back to sleep and never on their stomach or side, to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In terms of bedding, I highly recommend Cariloha bamboo sheets at They are incredibly soft, hypoallergenic, and eco-friendly. They are also temperature-regulating, which is great for newborns who can't regulate their own body temperature yet. Best of luck to you and your little one!
Read moreUsing it during the day for her naps sometimes but honestly I don't find any difference in her sleep time or quality with or without.
Yes i put it on her body so that when she wakes up bcos of noise/etc she is less prone to being "scared". Swaddling helps too.
No difference for my baby. If it's baby's startle reflex that you're comcerned about, it will go away as baby grows
Yes. But it might be bit heavy for newborn. I only start using it from third month
Nope. Didn’t use this.
Not fr me..