How do you punish your naughty kids?

How old are the kids? No punishment below age 5 as they're simply so adorable :) Ages 6-12 kids may test your tolerance level, some can be easily resolved by explanation, while others may require removal of treats or trips outdoors. Kids that tend to have too much screen time may find themselves without their phones or gadgets. Do remember that kids appear 'naughty' to us for a reason, hence we as parents also need to find out the cause of their reactions. And yes, we need to give them more guidance and encouragement as they grow older. All the best!
Read moreYes i do punish it also depends on what kind of misbehaviour they did ... Proper age to punish is 3 starting young with timeout, then slowly the privileges lastly one to one talk.. if for older kids they need discipline they need rules.. starting young is good make it a routine.. so that they know.. and dont let them control you.
Read moreIt depends on what they do. For me I do timeout with kids. I'll pull them over to one side and make it very clear that it's not the way to behave, but also tell them what exactly about it and how they can do better next time. Be firm instead of being overly harsh. Be consistent. Good luck!
it depends on what they have done...but i dont believe in punishing..i believe in talking to them, and maybe timeout (which is mainly to help them calm down before we can talk to them). more time consuming...but at least they understand what's wrong
Put them at the naughty corner or try to talk to them. I don't believe in hitting or caning
If they don't share toys or learn to. Can tell them u will give the toy to other kid
It really depends on their age but I try not to use the cane(:
Perhaps timeout?
Naughty corner
Quiet corner