1 Replies

I have no help after my husband ends his PL too. First few months it’s definitely tough but once your body gets used to the haywire routine and as baby grows, you can start dragging pump sessions, it will get easier. (The day when I started 12 hourly pump and had my first 12 hours full sleep, damn I was an entirely diff person.) One thing better for me is that, my pil don’t expect me to cook. I am personally okay with eating outside food and I have only one baby. If your pil is worried that outside food is gonna be unhealthy for their baby, ask them to cook for their baby then. They don’t have to cook for you it’s fine, just don’t expect you to do everything. Everyone’s life is changing, everyone is learning how to be a new parent and everyone is tired. Just because you’re working outside doesn’t make you more tired and vice versa, just because I am home, it doesn’t mean I get to shake leg watch movie. If your husband doesn’t want to help with baby, the least he can do is SETTLE HIS OWN DINNER. Please take care of your own wellbeing (mentally and physically) first, while you are a wife and mom, don’t forget that you are also someone’s daughter, someone’s gem. Treat yourself better 🫶🏻.

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