Hi mommy may I know your baby sleeps altogether how many hours in a day? Maybe your baby naps lesser but he sleeps longer at night? As long as he is sleeping the recommended no of hours for his age I think it is ok that his nap is shorter. Anyway their naps get longer as they grow older and they will start to drop off 1 or 2 naps in replacement for longer naps. My gal used to nap 4-5 times a day with the longest stretching 45 mins . Then she started to do 1-1.5 hours and I was elated. Now at 10mo she does 3 naps a day, actually can do two naps but I make her bedtime a bit later so she naps once more in the evening . So I will say short naps are ok for now but it should get longer as they grow older and have less frequent naps so there is more time for activities.
Hey. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/baby-sleep-how-much-sleep-does-your-infant-need/amp
It is on the Low side
For ur reference
For it reference
SinYi Chen