11 weeks old baby clingy
My 11 weeks old daughter refuse to sleep on her own. I tried to carry her to sleep and then placing her on the bed or cot but she will end up waking up in less than 5 mins. Tried rocker too but she is a super light sleeper. Even if we wash something in the kitchen, it will wake her up. She won't nap more than an hr lately. She can only sleep at night but during day time i have so much difficulties that i can't even do any house chores. She expects me to carry her all the time. HELP!

I guess at this age still abit hard to sleep by her self. Are you still Swaddling her during sleeping times ? Or breast feed ? Maybe it helps a little. When she’s in a deep sleep Maybe you can start “ train” when 3-5 months old “ (depends on individual baby) u try to observe day by day. Let her get use to it. some babies may ok when reach a little older Eg 6-8m. Suggest you can use a carrier in e day, so u can do house chores (: Slowly transit to bed when u observe she’s getting better sleeping by self Eg 2 hrly. During day, is ok to make alot of noise let her get use to it. Is ok, if she awake carry pat pat n put down. Keep repeating it. Tell her don’t worry, mummy is doing housework definitely have some noise . Don’t give up! Me too, i keep repeating, talking n also used carrier back then. When my lo was abit older, i started from 5m olds. I used carrier then put down to cot ( keep repeating for months ) finally lo can sleep alone without carrying (:
Read morei feel you. my 6 weeks old baby was like that too at one point. i keep explaining to her that mummy need to do housechores and cook, mummy tired carrying you so mummy sit beside your cot, kind of thing. tho i know shes too young to understand me, its good to communicate with her. let her know youre still there like once in a while touch her or kiss her. ensure shes fed, swaddled tight, diaper changed and so on. it takes time for them to 'understand' what we said. just keep trying.
Read moreI shall keep trying like what u said. Thank you so much sis♥️
That happens to my baby girl too. I'm still training her for Self-soothing so she can fall asleep on her own. Works ocassionally. If really have no choice maybe consider yaolan. But put that as the last choice as I heard its hard for them to quit yaolan/sarung once they started it
I won't wanna use yaolan too. That is my last resort i hope i won't have to go to that extent. Cos i heard its hard to quit too😂
It’s normal for babies to behave like this at this age. You can try swaddling her when she sleeps so that she feels more secure. Or just carry her to sleep! This phase will pass very soon. Treasure this period of bonding! Chores can wait!
Same as my baby girl. I had to let her sleep on my chest!! But it’s not advisable. Will be better soon alright!
Same when she is that age. Will get better.
How about baby wearing her?
I tried but i have to keep moving. Once i stop or sits down she will start crying 😭