How you make your 1yo baby get to sleep at daytime and night? And how you make him stay asleep? Thanks in advanced.

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For me it's all about routines. My lo has pretty standard nap times so I'll always try to make sure he gets the nap around that time. Daytime naps used to be me patting him to sleep, but now he settles himself to sleep with me watching over (or rather pretending to nap). Usually he falls asleep within 15mins.. if he rouses after half an hour I'll try patting him again.

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8y ago

Between 11.30-12: 1hour or more Between 5-5.30: 30mins Bedtime: usually 8.30pm Settling himself to sleep for naps just recently at 13mths, for bedtime at 9mths.. We were lucky as he started sleeping through the night at 3mths. At times he would still cry in the night, but if it's nothing major we would just pat him back to sleep. Only if he is unusually awake will we give him milk.

We started routine since day 1. So his bedtime has been at 9pm since then. We bathe n gave him milk just before his bedtime n he will slp on his own. Currently 12 Mths n still taking 2naps. Each ard 1 hr. for first nap- we bathe n Give milk. 2nd nap usually he will take it outside on the go. But if he is at home, usually ill sing to him n he will zzz After that

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By one year your baby may have formed his own sleep routine. It doesn't need to be exactly the same as other kids his age. However, in general he should be sleeping throughout the night but this would depend on his feeding pattern and how full his diaper gets, so there might be various reasons why your baby is waking up. Net-net babies aren't an exact science!

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Forming a habit of sleep time helps a lot. You need to get baby into a routine that you follow as much as possible. This way, baby’s body will be self adjusted and automatically fall asleep once it’s time for sleep

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Takes time really babies at this age tend to be temperamental. But I believe if you set a proper routine it should be fine . Try to avoid activities during night time.

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day time nap usually for their age would be 2 times and around 45mins per session. Nightime do you mean sleep thru the night?

8y ago

It really depends on how old is your child. My 22mo was a fully latched on baby. Now i would train him to sleep on his own without latching by patting him. Sleep thru the night it really depends on different baby. Is yours formula fed?

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Super Mum

Natural light.. dont close curtain.. so that baby is aware of day and night

Super Mum
