How do know of your baby has been overfed? My 10 month old boy eat porridge twice a day, and drink abt 800-900ml of bm per day.. Is this too much? Mil can feed him porridge af 530pm, a btl of milk at 730pm another at 830pm he is drinking 130ml per feed..but the thg is during weekend whn i am with him, he only drink about 550-600ml of milk and having same qty of porridge Mil feed him milk when he start to get cranky, i suspect he needed some comfort to slp rather then drinking of milk. Am reluctant is offer pacifier to him now.. any advise wat else can i do to know if he is overfeed? or wat can i do to soothe him to slp rather than feed him milk?

Hi there, i think yes u can can overfeed baby if u bottle feed baby. Some babies will reject the bottle if they are full but if they are cranky air adults keep insisting, they will take the bottle and end up drink too much. I think that u need do set up a routine for him to fall asleep. I use pacifier and i think its ok to use pacifier because there will come a time when they will slowly use less of it. Other soothers could be suckling of thumb, having a "thing" to hug for night, latching, tapping butt to sleep, soothing music. A lot of trial and error on ur part as u try and persist for 1+ week whenever u try for something new. 10 months 10 kg is ok actually. Some babies will cluster feed before they sleep at night but urs like a little bit too much. If u are concern that feeding too much, u can consider giving slightly lesser and see if he still asks for the mil. We cant say for sure caz porridge ingredients, nutrients and volume are different. Ur bm is also different (maybe not that mush fat and protein so he will wana drink more?) so its hard to say
Read moreI recall nurses and some mommies told me before babies won't be over feed. If they feel full they won't open their mouth or they may puke out some food. How is your boy's weight ? If he is still within the normal range and proportionate to his height I don't think it is of concern. Drinking a little more milk is fine. Actually I tend to feed my baby more than my mil. She is 11mo and eating solids twice a day but dinner only eat a little. She still drinks about 800ml milk , sometimes lesser but is around 700ml. I will give her milk one hour after porridge. My mil will skip the milk after her solids which I don't like because before one year old the staple should still be milk and nurses have told me that babies should still be drinking 700-800ml now. Anyway my gal also did not fussy when my mil did not give her milk and when I give she also finish Almost the whole bottle. But my gals weight gain is not very good so I don't mind to feed her more. So it all depends on your baby's weight gain but I really won't worry too much
Read moreBased on what i know and have heard. Babies cant be overfed. They know how much they want and need. When my boy was about that age, he drank like 7 bottles of milk each night. Based on observation it was not for hunger but rather for comfort. Also you may want to see if the increase intake of food in the day maybe able to lessen the milk feeds. Other then that, id say its fine. My boy still drinks this much till today. However, drinking too much isnt good either. With that said, you arent alone :)
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The Amt seems ok. When I went for poly checks the nurse mentioned say my boy should be having 2 meals (half a bowl of porridge each time ) + 750 ml of milk. That was when he was 7.5 Mths old
Mommy of 1 rambunctious junior