
20 Balas

my mom said, kalau morning sickness teruk baby boy. kalau tak teruk is baby girl. hehe this one mine is true. i do read somewhere about this thing and mcm btl pulak. bukan 100% btl la, kira 70% drpd komen org mmg btl. kalau baby boy, baby byk main sebelah kanan perut. kalau baby girl, sebelah kanan. hehehe...yah it sounds funny but mine is true. lucky kot. i dont know. to make sure for real, jumpa doc. hehehe

sorry baby boy main sebelah kiri.

the gender of the baby only can be detect by having detail scan.. craving n behaviour doesnt help much. just like me n my mom. she is losing her appetite while carrying me n my other 3 sisters but turn out energetic while having my lil bro in her tummy. and its totally vice versa on me. i eat everything, no MS and Im carrying a baby girl atm. 😊


all those tanda2 didn't work for me, my 1st pregnancy and current 2nd pregnancy both have different tanda and cravings. my 1st child is a cute little boy. currently pregnant with second child that had just been confirmed twice last week also a boy by the doctor in KK and the o&g specialist in HPJ.

1st one sour and salty. 2nd one sweets only

My experience when i was pregnant, suka sangat makan benda manis,kurang benda masam2. Perut pulak lebih ke depan(ramai org kata saya akn dapat baby boy) after pergi details scan doc said that 100% girl. 9/9/18 yeah its a princess πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

Hihi,thank you ☺️

klau org ckp, saiz perut pon boleh tahu jantina baby... klau saiz perut dia menonjol ke depan bermakna baby boy, klau perut lambat nmpk bump and jenis perut membesar secara melebar tu maknanya baby girl... tu kata org lah... sekadar andaian sahaja.

utk sy btul la tanda tu .πŸ˜‚

i got mscarriage for first prgnancy. 2nd is baby boy and i suka mkn benda manis... not into sour things... 3rd miscarriage. and this is 4th prgnancy hooefully its a girl... coz im into sour things and like to sleeeeep... πŸ˜…

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rasanya lain org lain kot n x smua tanda adalah sama utk bby girl n boy. macam sya..tiada morning sickness, suka mkn masam n masin, perut mboyot ke depn n tadaaaa it turn out to be a baby girl..


I dont hv much craving during pregnancy, morning sickness only 2 wks..the baby more on the right side, doesnt like sour and sweet food....turn up baby boy..😊

Macam sy pulak .first masa preggy alahan teruk .syg nye 3 bulan dh gugur. Second preggy tak alahan tak mengidam apa2 keluar boy .. adakah yg first tu girl .πŸ€”

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