How can I encourage my 9.5m baby to hold objects with both hands? I tried to let him hold his fave toys but he always resist and let go when I release my hands. He only play with one hand, either left or right depending. He is v laid back, not interested in toys and still can't crawl. Sits well and stands w light support. Any has heard of baby as lazy like him? Is this normal?

Hmmmm.... not sure if this is normal, however you can check with his nurses/doctor on the monthly vaccination update. Otherwise, have more outdoor play and stretch his sensory rather than just focusing on him not holding on with his hands. Its more of hand-eye coordination. I would bring him to the beach and let him feel and experience squeezing sand. Let him squeeze sponge or even playing with dough (that you make yourself that is edible). So hand painting. Now is to increase development on his sensory. If you saying his able to hold on to either hand, continue encouraging with things that is easier for the child. Holding a toy could be tough/heavy for him.
Read moreI would also put LO on tummy time as well as it will strengthen his hands and shoulder that are required for crawling. You can also get him to reach for toys in a prone position. They always start by creeping forwards first before going into 4 point crawling. With encouraging bilateral use of hands, I will try bigger objects to hold so they have to use 2 hands. Think the milk bottle idea suggested is a good one cause food is always a good motivation.
Read moreIf he is not interested to hold his toys then what about holding food such as steam bb carrot, apple, etc. I wont be worried that much as he is already holding just not 2 hands. As for crawling, different babies have different timing to reach their milestones; some v early while some delay. Get something he has not seen before n can make some noise infront of him. Gradually increase distance for him to reach. He will slowly begin to be motivated to crawl.
Read moreUr lo is not lazy. Babies develop at their own pace. We just have to be patient n gently guide them along the way. We parents have got to manage our expectations as well. We shouldnt compare our lo with other babies n then assume that our lo is slow or lazy. Pls dont label ur lo. Sometimes they will grow up to become what u label them (esp if they grow up hearing such labels used on them). Just my 2 cents ☺
Read moreDifferent children respond at different times. Try to engage your child in something he likes. You might need to be observant. It might be books, toys, music, it all depends. But or better still, throw him in a playpen with these items and let him explore on his own.
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Did u try to let him hold milk bottles? I let my 4mths LO hold bottles himself for milk time and now at 5.5mths, he can hold it himself for quite long around 5-10 mins, tilting up and down with his tiny strength. LoL
My son only started to crawl properly at 10.5 months. However he loves to grasp things w both hands. Try giving him two identicle object?
Momsy of 2 little sunshine