How can I encourage my 9.5m baby to hold objects with both hands? I tried to let him hold his fave toys but he always resist and let go when I release my hands. He only play with one hand, either left or right depending. He is v laid back, not interested in toys and still can't crawl. Sits well and stands w light support. Any has heard of baby as lazy like him? Is this normal?

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Ur lo is not lazy. Babies develop at their own pace. We just have to be patient n gently guide them along the way. We parents have got to manage our expectations as well. We shouldnt compare our lo with other babies n then assume that our lo is slow or lazy. Pls dont label ur lo. Sometimes they will grow up to become what u label them (esp if they grow up hearing such labels used on them). Just my 2 cents ☺

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