Boost breast milk
How can I boost breast milk again few days ago I can pump 30 ml but now lesser that every 3 hrs I pump Izzit I eat less

Eat oats n take oat milk. It helps boost supply. Make sure you get enough sleep!! Rest is often a neglected factor for sufficient supply! Between pumping n zzz if I’ve to choose one I’ll choose sleep. Baby latching is even more effective than pumping anyway so if you’re latching baby imo don’t have to pump so religiously if it’s at expense of getting enough rest. Yes water intake must watch closely. Drink lots of water. Take fish oil n calcium supplements too, to fatten your milk n ensure you don’t suffer from osteoporosis in future due to calcium deficiency
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more demand, more supply. Try pumping every 2 hrs and drink 2-3litres of water. you may try milk booster food like salmon, durian, kurma milk, red date tea,lactation cookies/ brownies etc but it depends on every body. but most important is the water and constant pumping, without it, it won't work.
Ok noted will try it
hello sis..u can try this honey and drink more plain water to boost your milk production..i drink this until my bby now already 2y still bf..can pm me if interested