How to handle terrible twos!? My 20mo throwing tantrum & bite me everyday. I know it's a phrase, but how should I react or what should I say beside telling her no & don't. E.g. She is trying to feed me a bottle of water, then I told her no mummy not thirsty & I will get wet if u insist pushing to my mouth. She feel angry & throw the bottle away & start to bite me when I try to console her.
Have to be firm in telling them the NO. At this age, they are learning to be independent and following what we do. But yet they don't know the consequences if they continue to do the certain actions. Wait for them to cool down before explaining them. It gets a little tough as sometimes they still don't understand what we meant. Hang it there mummy!
Read moreIntervention must be immediate. Aftet which do not console her if she throws a fit. Tell her firmly to stop and if she gets angry and kicks a fuss, so be it. She needs to know that you will stand your ground and not budge no matter what she does.
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