How do you deal with your child if you found out that he/she is a bully?

Bullying is a serious matter and it should be corrected as early as possible, before your kid develops it into a habit that he will carry to adulthood. To deal with this, understand your child first. Oftentimes, bullying arises from an insecurity. Sometimes, kids don't know at all that it's not good to pick on others. So it's best if you make him feel well-loved and understood. Explain that bullying isn't a good thing to do and that he/she should always be respectful and kind, no matter what the circumstances are. Finally, you should set as a good example so your kid will understand the things that are essentially good.
Read morehere is an article on bullying in schools that tells you how to deal with your child if he is a bully, or even if he is being bullied my elder one had been bullied as a first grader and i was very sure to stop it there and then. but now, i occassionally see that she also tries to bully her younger sibling at home. i have made it very clear that such behaviour is unacceptable, and that just being more powerful in terms of age or strength does not give anyone the right to boss others around. i do not shout or punish, but i explain and it works
Read morechildren often get into bullying if they themsevles are insecure about something. also, many times we parents unknowingly bully our children, and they end up copying us. none of us realizes that it is this that is leading to the practice of bullying. i would say talk to your child immediately and say very clearly that this behaviour is bad and will not be allowed. also, ask if a parent or someone else has behaved like this with the child, and if yes, try to understand why that happened and tell your child that the person in question was wrong. don't be angry or punish, but try to understand and talk.
Read moreyou know, bullying often comes naturally to a lot of kids, and unless they are specifically told so, they do not realize they are doing something wrong. if you see your kid is a bully, tell him or her immediately that this behaviour is wrong and has to stop immediately. say that if your kid wants something done a certain way, he can request the other person to do so, but definitely not scare or force them. be sure to stay calm while speaking, so that you yourself do not come across as a bully.
Read moreThis article I found on dealing with a child who is a "sibling" bully, will definitely help. If your child is bullying anyone, in your family or otherwise, the tips in this article will definitely help. For example, if I found out my child was a bully, I'd teach them "that their actions have consequences. Give them a “time out” whenever they lash out but make sure they understand that it’s more of a time to reflect than a form of punishment."
Read moremy elder one also bullies my younger one sometimes, but i have explained that i will not allow things to go on like this. if anyone bullies, they do not get to do their favourite activities and finally now they know that the only way to get their things done their way is to reach a mutual agreement between each other.
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