how to cook fish slices porridge?
7 Replies

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If your Lo is young you need to chop the fish and mix into the porridge for easy digestion. You can use anchovies and scallop to boil the it into porridge and add in fish when it's almost done. You can check out my ig @MummyJLife I share quite a few receipe hope it helps!
Super Mum
Start by boiling the rice first, and mashing it up to make it easier for baby to swallow. Towards the end, add the fish in. Fish is cooked when the translucent pieces turn white. You’ll probably need to mash the fish pieces up too.
Super Mum
I would just put the fish slices in when the porridge is almost done, but give it a good boil.
MIL taught me last time. Took some time and still didn't master it haha
YouTube has a few recipes.
Google for tutorial
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