Hot or Cold?
Would you rather live in hot climate or cold?

Hot! You can always use a cooler or fan to cool down. And you’ll always have the sun to dry your clothes, kill bacteria, fresh air, etc.
Cold. Cos hot climate give me never ending eczema flares. My skin is always A LOT when travelling to cold climate countries.
cold better... no sweat... can wear clothing for 2-3day, if hot... need to keep bathing and change alot of clothing
Hot. No need to be wrapped up in too many layers esp for going to the toilet/ diaper change
Cold. Too cold you can wear jacket but when hot u can't do much😂
Hot climate! I can tolerate heat much better than cold!
Definitely hot, so I can be outside lots
Cold haha cuz I’m afraid of the heat
Hot please with tropical setting
Hot. I hate cold anything.