Hi mummies and daddies, would like to know which bank has better service and benefits to open CDa account? Posb or ocbc?

If you're looking purely based on interest rates, go for OCBC. Like Diana mentioned, it is a lot more convenient if you choose the bank where you already have a savings account with for added convenience. You can access the accounts online at one glance without having to log into another bank's internet banking page. http://sg.theasianparent.com/what-exactly-can-you-do-with-your-childs-baby-bonus-child-development-account-cda/
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I would think it's the same since u cant withdraw money from cda account anyway.. But i use posb cause i got posb acc and i can do transfers via internet banking.
For me I use POSB because it can link to my own saving account which is POSB too. I vote for conveniency as there are more POSB banks nearby my place.
Both posb and ocb having promotion now. Do check
Choose the one that is convenient to you :)
I use ocbc. Its linked with my acct.
Posb so that it link to my acc
OCBC is better. :)