How often do you help you wife in household chores?
How often do you help you wife in household chores?
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selalu membantu dalam kerja rumah bila cuti... sidai angkat kain mandi dan jagakan baby..

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Uishhh mmg susah la nak tgk, kalau dia buat tu mgkn adalah yg dia nak tu...

VIP Member

i think household chores are for every member of the household!

tiap2 hari pn tolong esp bila wife dh tgh sarat ni 🤭🤭

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My husband alwyz help me..luv him damn much

Bab masak n ngemas memang serah kat dia je

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He helps with the sidai baju lol

hehe... ok maybe not always.

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My husband always help

Sekali sekala.