9 Replies

Most of them will say Yes and some may say No. Before getting married you must match both of your horoscopes by using online marriage matching (Thirumana Porutham) calculator to find out the number of matching poruthams between you and your partner - https://www.astroved.com/tamil/thirumana-porutham/

Well! There are some issues between us that makes our maaried life really stressed but we are working upon it. I am not the one who gives up on relationships do easily and especially if it's my hubby on the other side.

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Yes, I have a happy marriage, touch wood! Though there are reasons that creates a discord but overall I should not be complaining.

Yez with Gods grace i have a happy marriage...But sumtyms arguments is Part of our joirney as a Couple..but u need 2 be strong to hold on in any bad situations in order for our marriage to last happily.

VIP Member

Yes i do have a happy marriage

No. Pretty miserable in it.

Sadly not for me.

Yes :) I do.

Yes I do

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