8 Replies

Nighttime feedings and short sleep cycles that disrupt your normal slumber can cause fatigue leading to wanting to sleep longer. Try to nap when your baby naps or ask your family member or helper watch your baby while you catch up on your sleep. There are many ways you can boost your energy so that you can nurse without feeling tired: *Eating right. Include plenty of protein such as lean meat, fish, milk, cheese and nuts as protein can increase your energy. Foods high in fiber can also boost your energy because they digest more slowly that food low in fibers. Brown rice, fruits and vegetables are good source in fiber. *Drink more water. Dehydration drains your energy leaves you feeling fatigue. *Exercise. Any type of physical activity xan increase your energy and help fight fatigue.

Hi mummy, breastfeeding journey is definitely not easy especially during the low supply season. Baby have to latch more frequent in order to increase the supply. Our body is signaling based on demand supply. If baby has taken formula for a feeding, mummy need to pump out the breastmilk. If mummy do not empty the breast, again it will cause low supply due to the signal given. It is very tiring especially baby continuous latching non stop..so you will sleep more because of your body is tired. Hence, during breastfeeding, it is essential to maintain a well balanced diet to increase your energy level.

It is normal to feel more fatigued if you're breastfeeding, specially if you're skipping on meals. Breastfeeding along takes up a lot of energy and you need to eat regularly to get back that energy and to have a good supply. I think it's good that the baby latches on. The more she latches on, the more your body is going to produce milk. I understand that you are still coping up with the situation but try to get some rest and more frequent meals. Have some handy snacks like a sandwich, which you can have easily everywhere. All the best to you!

Yes, you constantly have to replenish yourself! Drink lots of water, pure coconut water is even better! And fruits and vegetables, lots of fiber also so you can gain back that energy to produce more milk. Dehydration is a key factor in low supply of breast milk! Good luck and don't give up with all this virus talk breastmilk is the best immunity booster you can provide for your LO, I definitely suffered with low supply and I work my way around it by supplementing formula midday as the morning is my highest supply and evening is ok.

her latching more frequent is basically the whole day. Once unlatch, she'll cry if not I'll fall asleep with her. As a result, I have enough fluid intake but I do not have a chance to have my meals.. The only proper meal I can have is when hubby is back home.. If not I can actually skip all my meals in order to have enough sleep.

Hi mummy, I am not sure how you could skip a meal. From my experience.. I get hungry all the time during breastfeeding. I can eat a lot. It is really so important to have your meal in order for you to gain the energy and nutrients for you and your lo. I

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make sure that when baby is feeding, baby is not sleeping or comfort sucking. this causes frequent feedings since baby is not getting enough. you'll know when baby is sleeping if you try to pull the boob away and baby easily lets go and there;s no suction. how to wake baby? touching baby's face and tickling feet.

Feee your baby, you can ask dr for milk increasing supplements

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Normal. Sleep more, worry less , latch and the milk will come.

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