has anybody had an aggressive son? how did you control? do I mellow down my 4 yr old? he gets aggressive quickly and now and then says " i will hit you". i know, i am to be blamed partially cos to stop his aggression i used to slap him. that was to scare him and to stop hitting. he likes kids but does not like them to take initiative for friendship. he opens up very slowly with new people or kids. prefers older kids. i give up. i think i am the only mother with such problem. all other kids his age are not aggressive and their parents make faces.

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hi! I've attended a Parenting seminar entitled Raising Healthier, Smarter and We'll Behaved Children. and one of the speaker Ms. Frances Yeo, A Consultant Psychologist in Thompson Medical Centre suggest us parents how to raised a well behaved child....because many of us have also a very active and as you say aggressive child. Her tips is as follows 1. Let your child express his/her emotions.2. Learn to Tune in 3. Explore relevant solution to the problem. Here I attached the image from her PowerPoint presentation how to Tune in to our children's emotion and how to correctly respond. Hope it helps. Cheers!

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