Dusphaton ok ke tak

Hai mommies semua..nk tnye pendapat..sape ade pengalaman kena ambil duphaston? harini sy cek up pakar 16week dikatakan rahim menipis dan baby kecik dr usia edd. Sy pnah gugur 2 kali sblum ni punca tak dikenal pasti. Doc bg dusphaton consume setiap hari smpai 18week dlu. Tp sy tgok kt fb atau tt ramai kata yg lepas amek duphaston ni dr tak bleeding jd bleeding dan akhirnya baby tak survive. Mcmmana tu? Ptut atau tak sy consume duphaston ni hari2?

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I had threatened miscarriage on 10th week, but baby got heart heart . so dr have me to take till 18th week. once I started to take the medication.bleeding stopped. now I'm 35weeks pregnant.but my advice is pls don't carry any weight things.So stress yourself.its harm for your bby. you too.