29 Balas

Hi doc... Sy nak tanya.... Sy ank frist czer that ank br 9buln sy mengndung LG... Skrg dah 38w 3d..... Persoaln sy bole ke sy bersalin normal ....tinggi sy 143cm.. Dn Msa 36w Bert bby dh 2.8kg.....skrg 38w sy Tk Thu brp Bert... Dn klo doc pksa sy try normal jgk...ke risiko rahim pch atau luka dlm koyak.....

Usually we will advise for VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) after two years, ideally. That means you get pregnant again after your baby’s first birthday. By the time you’re expected to deliver your second baby, your elder baby should be around two years old. Anything less than that, I won’t encourage for VBAC. Your doctor must assess and discuss with you thoroughly before allowing for VBAC. I notice that your height is 143cm, which may be slight below our normal asian height. So your doctor may need to assess if there’s an element of cephalopelvic disproportionate (CPD) in your case. Meaning your pelvic may be too narrow for the baby’s heat to go through, in simple tense.

Hi doktor.. Saya nak tanya normal ke tempat ceaser tu masih lagi akan rasa sakit walaupun setelah 2 tahun lebih menjalani pemedahan ceaser.. Dan selepas 2 tahun daripada itu, saya telah bersalin anak ke 2 dgn kaedah bersalin normal.. Tetapi saya merasakan tempat luka bersalin ceaser saya tu agak kerap rasa sakit.. Adakah itu normal..

So you’ve had a VBAC two years after Caesarean. Congratulations. Feeling of pain at the scar may indicate nerve involvement at the scar tissues. Don’t think the scar will breakdown now. If it persists, you may need to go check it up and certain painkillers may be prescribed as steps taken to determine any underlying causes, if any.

VIP Member

Hi doc, masa bersalin anak pertama pada bulan 3/2019 sy kena czer sbb fetal destress. Boleh ke sy plan utk mengandung anak kedua pada tahun ini? Dan ada ke kemungkinan baby kedua ni kena fetal destress juga? Apa perlu buat utk elakkan fetal destress? Lepas tu, Luka czer sy Ada sedikit keloid, perlukah dibuang?

Thank you so much doctor for the advice

Super Mum

Dr... Saya pernah ceaser untuk anak ke 3, dan jarak anak ke 3 dan ke 4, hanya 2 tahun, anak ke 4 normal, dan saya anak mengandung anak ke 5, adakah saya berisiko untuk bersalin ceaser lagi, memandangkan kandungan yg agak rapat

Please refer to my similar replies to other moms about VBAC. Thanks.

Hai Doc..saya nak tanya betul ke kalau bersalin caeser kena berpantang banyak makanan seperti tak boleh makan telur & ayam kerana nanti luka lambat sembuh..Boleh doc bagitahu makanan ape yang tak boleh makan selepas caeser?

You need all the nutrients and proteins for healing after Caesarean section. Normal proteins like eggs, chicken and fish is advisable. It won’t cause infection. However, I’d advised against shellfish as some mothers may get allergic reaction and that may cause scar itchiness and discomfort. Studies have also shown over consumption of ‘ikan haruan’ May cause excessive skin scarring or keloid. Try limit intake of this species of fish after Caesarean

VIP Member

Is it recommended to massage the scar? I am 6m postpartum now and that area still feels very tight and sometimes feels a bit uncomfortable. How long is the full recovery going to take for a c-section?

You can start having abdominal massage starting 1 month post-Caesarean. Anything before that I won’t recommend. As for scar lightening massage, I’m not aware of its efficacy. Instead, you can try applying some scar lightening gel or patch to reduce the scarring. As for the full recovery, it depends on for what issues. If it’s physical recovery, about 6-8 weeks. However, skin starts recovering from 7-10 days onwards and showering without protection of the plaster is safe. If it’s for a VBAC, ideally two years after the birth of the baby or C-Sect

VIP Member

hai , sya sekarang pregnant anak no 4 .. no 1 dan 2 normal .. no 3 sya ceaser ,jarak 2 tahun dgn no 4 .. adakah sya berpeluang bersalin normal atau bersalin secara ceaser kali ke 2 ? terima kasih 😊

ok , tq for the answer ☺

Slmt pg Dr. . Sy nk tanya jika,ank 1st tu kita kena czer,dn tdk gunakn benang,org panggil guna gam shj,rasa ny klu czer ank ke dua,mc kena gam lg kh @ pn guna benang dah. .tq Dr. .

I usually use suture. Never tried the glue. It works well every time

Hi Dr. Saya baru bersalin dan baby 1st baru 59 hari melalui kaedah ceaser. Adakah epidural boleh menyebabkan allergy pada badan seseorang? Cth: mata merah dan gatal tqsm doc ☺

Oh i see. Tqsm doc for ur answer

How long does it takes to fully recovered from a c-sec as i just had mine last december and wondering when can i start doing exercise like stretching etc..

Usually the full recovery is about 2 years but I can recommend to start light exercises ftom 6 weeks after your Caesarean section and gradually increase it.

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