Hey guys, my LO 15mo. Ever since she younger she is very hyper active. So, Recently I bought her to several enrichment classes.. Like when come to flash cards, story telling or all kids of activities that the teaches perform, she just simply not interested whereby she can't focus even 2 secs .. I noticed the others kids none of them had focusing problem. She just want to walk away & do the things she want by herself. If I keep pulling her on the ground she will scream & start crying. Any advice on this ? Really worried what will be when she go to kindergarten.

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Just let her do what she wants, she's actually listening when she's roaming around. She might be curious and exploring around. All kids are unique. So don't worry! My younger son is also hyper active type. He simply roams about during the enrichment class. Initially, I'm quite worry as well. But later I realized that he actually did listen so thereafter I just let him do what he wants. Don't worry, experience Kindergarten teachers will know how to handle them. Or perhaps she will behave differently in different environment. My boy behaves quite differently in school.

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8y ago

I hopes she does too. Thank u for ur encouragement