Hey guys, my LO 15mo. Ever since she younger she is very hyper active. So, Recently I bought her to several enrichment classes.. Like when come to flash cards, story telling or all kids of activities that the teaches perform, she just simply not interested whereby she can't focus even 2 secs .. I noticed the others kids none of them had focusing problem. She just want to walk away & do the things she want by herself. If I keep pulling her on the ground she will scream & start crying. Any advice on this ? Really worried what will be when she go to kindergarten.

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Try setting up a routine at home to help your child learn to focus: http://amotherfarfromhome.com/teaching-focusing-skills/ Referred to this article for some ideas on how to help toddlers learn to focus. See if there is any activity that you could do with her, colouring, puzzles, storytelling that would require her to sit down for a period of time. Perhaps if she could do that, you can progress from there.

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8y ago

Thanks for ur link.. I will read on it