Will you groom your child to be an introvert or an extrovert?

I guess, the child has an inherent trait of being an introvert or extrovert. But, if it is in our hand, then I would want my child to be an extrovert, and enjoy all the worldly things that an extrovert does. Since, I myself am an introvert, I know how introverts remain in their shell and sometimes are so unambitious that remain contended in the average of things. I may be wrong because I have read that most famous writers, painters and creative people are mostly introverts. There are pros and cons to both the trials, but personally I would want my child to be an extrovert. Or may be a balance of both. Introvert in her private matters and extrovert in attainting his goals. (Quite, politically correct. ;))
Read moreEvery child is born with an inherent nature. My son is an introvert, he has always been like that. But at the same time he has been confident and can handle people. Of course, I always encouraged him to be more vocal. On the other hand my daughter is a born extrovert who likes to socialize, dance, talk a lot, make friends! So, even siblings can be different. You need to encourage your child to be confident and happy.
Read morei don't mind really. i myself am introvert, and i see that a lot in my elder one. i know how difficult it is for me to mix with people and handle myself in strange situations, or around strangers. but over time, i have learned to handle myself better and enjoy life to the fullest. i think that given a choice, i would try and give her a balance between being an introvert and a bit of an extrovert.
Read moreone of mine is an introvert and the other an extrovert...both are inherent traits that can't really be changed completely. instead of pushing them to be what they are not, I teach them to use their skills to the fullest and work towards improving those areas where they are lagging
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He is who he is. We can't groom them to what we want them to be. If we do want to do any grooming it should be done on ourselves.
i will groom my child to the best of himself.
i will let him be who he is.
To be best of himself
Let him decide