introvert mum VS extrovert Child
Any mummies having such pairing? while I'm an introverted-extrovert - meaning I can hold conversations but prefer to keep quiet, my child is super extroverted and I find it so exhausting to keep talking or even hearing her voice all the time... how do anybody with such pairing manage?

Try looking at it from a different perspective, on the positive side, your child being extroverted means she would be more outspoken about her feelings, emotions and daily happenings. This would make your mother-daughter relationship more close-knitted instead of your child not wanting to talk to you about anything and being closed up and distant. Of course being introverted it's exhausting to keep up and sometimes, you just desperately need your me-time. If you have any close ones whom you trust and are able to help you babysit, even just for a few hours, could be helpful (& healthy) for you as well. :)
Read moreIt's a really good sign that your child is talking so much! But I really understand your predicament as well. My child also talks non stop and asks a hundred questions per minute! Here are some tips you can use: - You haven't mentioned your child's age. But she is below 3 years of age, maybe enroll her in a play school where she can be more engaged - How about organising some play dates so she can play with kids her age and interact more? - Grandparents are great conversationlists! Ask them to babysit. That will not only give you a break, but engage your child as well.
Read moreHaving an introverted - extroverted pairing is very common. Although each trait has its own advantages. If your daughter is extrovert, it will help her in leading various discussions going forward. So just encourage her trait and may be enroll her for good debate competitions in future ? This will help in further enhancing her skills :)
Read moreI would only be worried if my child is not talking. If you are exhausted, maybe can bring her to the playground and let her talk as much as she wants? She can talk and play with the children at the playground.
It's a good sign that your child is super extroverted. If you get tired of her maybe you can allow her to interact more with people around you. Allow her to spend more time with different people.
Isn’t it nice ? I’m an introvert too but seeing my daughter extroverted and being able to get along well with people n situations makes me feel so happy n relieved 😅.
I think children is more active their age, will only see their character when they grow older ?