8 Replies

https://www.foodline.sg/caterers/tingkat?gclid=CjwKEAiAjvrBBRDxm_nRusW3q1QSJAAzRI1tYSt_PjTL3ZCuor9vJq0uk4lbZEvAlJDiFDykV5x97RoCtpXw_wcB i think u can see from here and then choose and see if they have trial meal anot. frankly speaking tho tinkgkat for 1 person is not worth the money. i baby wear my LO to the kopitiam nearby to buy or just sook something fast from frozen food or angel hair sphaghetti etc. i also will save left over food from the previous night and eat for lunch then maybe add a egg n some bread?

I ordered mine from Le xin catering & I like their soup. U can try their trial 1st c if u like. https://lexincatering.com.sg/project/tingkat/

You might want to try this Kims Kitchen Catering. Kimskitchen.com.sg
