Are product samples important in your purchase decision making? And where do you get your samples from?
Are product samples important in your purchase decision making? And where do you get your samples from?
Voice your Opinion
No. I don’t use samples and prefer to rely on recommendations and reviews.
Yes. Samples help me a lot and I got my one at the hospital.
Yes. Samples help me a lot and I got my first one at the supermarket by a promoter.
Yes. Samples help me a lot and I got my first one by requesting from brand’s website.
Yes. Samples help me a lot and I got my first one from brand advertisements.

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Tulis jawapan
VIP Member

I don't use sample because don't know where to get them. But I wish I can get some samples. Hence, I'm relying on online reviews before purchase any products.

yes.. got them from hospital, request for samples from official website and also through ads

i don't use sample, because don't know where to get them. but i wish i can get some sample


samples from hospital and requesting online from brands

VIP Member

Got the Samples from hospital also website.. 😉✌

got my 1st samples from antenatal class actually


Some samples got from hosp, some from websites.

VIP Member

Why didn’t my hospital give me diapers?! 😭

Super Mum

Sya dpt sample dri online

Got samples from hospital