How are you feeling today? Share with us!
How are you feeling today? Share with us!
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i feel cloudy like the weather... like want to sleep only... haahaha angry sad happy sometime keep changing.

now 2.00pm 02.01.21,i am happy and blessed,,with my bby girl😅😅😅 tk sbar nk tgu dia msok sethn

Good. Blessed. But at the same time damn tired. 1st trimester quite challenging for me.

Sedih sbb husband x fhm betape penat ibu mengandung, somemore hr2 keje, blk lewat mlm

rasa best sbb ank xbyk perangai n dpt kerja gomen.. alhamdulillah terima kasih Allah

Sooo happy coz i can skin to skin wif my bby after i gave a birth to him 3 days ago.

for 1st trisemester .... so sleepy & feeling uncomfortable 😌😌

saya rasa penat btul2..wlupn bru trimester 1,tp penat dia ya ampun...penat y amatt

nervous n week kena serah diri..takot😥 #firstime🌹

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Happy n more xcited for my bby progress day by day..hip2 hureayy..