How are you feeling today? Share with us!
How are you feeling today? Share with us!
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Xtahu apa perasaan.. Kadang sedih kadang gembira kadang tertekan

Happy sangat dapat tahu dah pregnant setelah 1 tahun menunggu

satisfied if i can cook well to my family.. i'm happy now..

VIP Member

Little bit tired because cant sleep well last night

feeling well and so happy with my children 🥰🥰

happy n teruja coz this my 1st experience as a mom

VIP Member

Maa shaa Allah happy sangat. Alhamdulillah 🥰

Happy, positive and a little bit relax2 😂

banyak kerja nak buat...sebelum bersalin...

VIP Member

feel tired. need vacation or me time...😞