Morning sickness
Hi everyone! I'm in my first trimester (week 6) now and my morning sickness is pretty serious. I feel nauseous throughout the day here and there - just feel like gagging suddenly, not triggered by any smell. Any tips to curb the urge to gag? :( i tried popping a haribo gummy whenever it gets bad but don't wanna rely too much on gummies cus of the sugar content. Thank you in advance!

Hello, currently week 13 here. I experienced really bad nausea and vomiting back in week 6 too. Prunes and diclectin helped me through those times. I also had very light bland meals. Soya beancurd helped, too. Don't worry it all gets better. Now my nausea is mainly only in the morning. Please take care!
Read moreYes, first trimester nausea is really something. I ate haribo too, and had it first thing in the morning for a week. It's bad but I would do it again to keep my nausea at bay. Frankly do anything to get through this period. I ate a lot of oranges. Had passionfruit w water. Stay strong 💪💪
Hi mummy, I went through that as well but it always happens in the evening instead haha. I had to rely on dicletin during those times but I try to eat as and when I can. Hopefully you’ll feel better in the second trimester 🫶
Hi Mummy! Congratulations on your pregnancy :) For the morning sickness, try to munch on dry crackers. Those biscuits or so. Avoid eating full meals. Eat smaller meals instead. Hang in there, ya!
Have smaller but frequent meals. There’s also medication for this which I consumed when I had morning sickness. Can just request from your gynae.
I bought plain crackers to eat too, sometimes if hungry will be nauseous too. Or add some lemon to water
Pocari, meji biscuits helped for me. Occasional warm ginger water too