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Finding part time work
I am currently working full-time and hoping to switch to part time. I am open to work full-time if there is an option to work from home. Pls drop me a message if you know of any place hiring. Thanks!
Going back to work
I am due to return work next week and dreading the thought of it. Just the idea of leaving my baby at home while I work most of the day makes me sad. I worry that his nap times will be affected and if he wonders where I've been... Can any mom share their experience going back to work? I am also pumping at work and this whole thing will be so new to me, I hope I'll pull through!
Hi my son is going for circumcision next week. I'm feeling nervous, especially because we can't accompany him. Any tips for ftm? appreciate insights on the duration of recovery. Thanks in advance
Breastfeeding Vs pumping
Hi mommies. Need your advice. I mostly pump every 3 hours. However since my son recently learned to latch, I have been breastfeeding more often. I am now wondering if my breast can keep up with his demand. He bf every 2 hours while previously I only pump every 3 hours. Will my body work its way to match my son's feeds/replenish fast enough to meet his demand?
Hands free bra for spectra (dual s synergy gold double breast pump)
Hi mommies. For those using spectra, can you share which hands free bra you are using and where to buy? Thank u
Breastfeeding and post partum
I gave birth to my son in march and since my discharge, life at home has been drastically different. The first few days were the toughest. I remember just continuously crying to my husband because every damn thing came at once. Handling baby, pumping, having sore nipples, rock hard breasts, low supply and little was just so overwhelming. I expected it to be hard but not to this extent... One of the most stressful part of this experience is breast feeding. Since my son had to stay in the hospital for a while, he was bottle fed there. Given this he has developed preference for bottle. So when I went home, he refused my breast. Once, I forcefully gave him my breast, and he bruised my nipple. It was so pain and frankly the only reason why I kept trying was because my husband and in law was giving me a shitty hard time, saying that formula is not as good and that I should try to breastfeed. I honestly resent them in that moment because they have no idea what I was going thru. My breast was hurting and all they kept saying was just try and try to breastfeed, invalidating my feelings. Dear mothers I don't wish to scare you but please take care of yourself during post partum. There is no denying that it will be stressful. My husband during pregnancy was so thoughtful and caring. Now he still is but of course with the baby, priority goes to baby. I won't fault him. Things are different w a baby. Try to get as much help from your parents/family/friends. Get confinement food sorted. Get someone to help w the night shift. It's going to be tough but honestly when we walk out of this, there's really nothing else we mothers can't do. We give birth to a human baby (with no epi), have stitches, walk the next day, pump for our lil one every 3 hours and run on very very little sleep. I love my husband but men really have no idea what we go through...
Bathing and feeding
Hi mummies. My baby is 12 days old. I realise today that he has been waking up every 1. 5-2 hours for his feeds. Each feed he is drinking around 60ml. In the beginning, his feeds were every 3 hours. May I know if he is cluster feeding? I also want to check if I should bath baby everyday? So far we only bathe him twice. And whether to clean baby's tongue w a wet cloth?? Lastly just to share, my baby was bottle fed in the hospital. Because of this, he doesn't want to latch on me. Can anyone share any useful advice on how to reverse this? I wished he tried latching... He always gets impatient and push my breast away
36 weeks preparation!
Hi mothers. I am 36 weeks and leaving for HL next week. Baby is down and weighing 2.9kg. Dr says I can give birth anytime. During my HL, I plan to do more exercise and read up more on labour stages. I will also be preparing my hospital bag. Can you recommend me simple exercises to do and resources to read up? Hospital bag essential 1. Maternity pads 2. Disposable underwear 3. Jacket 4. One set of discharge clothes for baby and me 5. Ic 6. Toiletries I am giving birth at kkh. Do I have to bring wet wipes and pampers? And if I'm missing out anything from my bag? Thanks everyone.
Dear Singapore government,
The government has no idea what it means to help mothers ease into their pregnancy. There are so many initiatives that can be done to help expecting mothers. 1) For every train, reserve one cabin for expecting mothers. People just no longer look up to check their surroundings nor have the heart to give up their seats for you. 2) Provide subsidy for mothers to take grab/gojek especially for those in the first and last trimester when you're either so nauseous or so big. 3) Have pregnancy centres near the neighbourhood where mothers can go for prenatal massages or seek help/advice regarding their pregnancy/post-partum. 4) Maybe consider lengthening our maternity leave. We go through pregnancy for 40 weeks only to get 16 weeks of leave and this period is not even a break, it's for us to assimilate to our new roles as mothers. It's a job away from office if you think about it. 5) I wish there was a pool for us. The public pools are fine but it would be nice to have a dedicated pool where I don't feel watched by the public, with my belly. I feel bitter at times during this pregnancy thinking about this. I want to have more than one kid but Singapore really does not make it easy. Not to mention how people don't even give up their seats on the train. I am in my third trimester and I still have to fight for a seat. It does feel like every man for himself here.
Yeast infection at 28wks
Last week I found out that the skin ard my vagina was largely tender and raised. I brushed it off thinking it could be nothing. Two days later, it became so red, itchy and the skin was shedding. There was a white cast on the skin. My husband googled and said it could be a yeast infection. I read that high estrogen could alter the balance of bacteria and yeast, causing this. We also found that tea tree oil could help so I started using it . Though it helped with the itch, using it neat made me uncomfortable. The oil was very hot. Later I found that I should have diluted it w a carrier oil. When I did, I felt so much better. Today is my 6th day. While I did go to the GP on the 4th day and was prescribed a broad spectrum anti fungal cream, I just wanted to share that tea tree oil also works. Just putting it out there because I couldn't find any related post about this when I was searching.