How to decide normal delivery or c section
Hello Everyone I’m in 32nd week of my pregnancy and my doctor said everything is fine , the baby position , placenta etc When asked about type of delivery Seems my doctor is more interested in C section and trying to avoid normal delivery , though asking me for my preference As a first timer I’m trying to understand how should I decide which option should I choose if no complication?? Also I m bit scared of pains but cannot decide on type of delivery to opt for Will c section healing, anaesthesia in spine and stitches be bearable or will the labour pain be better ( although I understand every women is different and so is the pain ) Can please guide me based on personal experience Appreciate your guidance

It depends on whether you want to heal fast or slow. It also depends on your birth experience. Some natural birth can cause 4th degree tears while some c-sect recovery isn’t as difficult. If I had given the chance to turn back time, I would choose natural delivery again. My firstborn had be delivered via emergency c-sect. Was asked to push but I didn’t have any urge to push at all. Eventually I had to go for emergency c-sect. Wasn’t our choice at all but to save baby and my life as both of us were not in good condition. Post-delivery I developed pre-eclampsia. Was hospitalised for 6 days. I only started walking on the 3rd day because I was scared of the pain on my tummy. You’ll definitely feel contractions again after birth as your uterus is contracting back to its normal size. Back home, you’ll need lots of help whether it’s natural or c-sect delivery though you’ll need more for c-sect as you are not supposed to bend down or carry heavy things. You must always monitor your wound as well for any signs of infection. Always wear a binder right after surgery until you recover. Helps the jiggly stomach with wound from moving too much. Do your confinement and post-natal massage too. C-sect recovery will take longer but you won’t notice cause you’re too busy handling newborn and yourself. Whatever you choose, may it be the best for you.
Read moreI experienced both. First was induced but not dilated enough and had to go on e csec since baby was in distress. Vbac for no2 without epidural. Comparing both, contraction after being induced was more painful than letting normal contraction come. Recovery wise, natural is definitely much faster and I could carry baby as much as i want. With csec, need to note that baby will kind of rest on the abdominal area while breastfeeding so can get quite painful and uncomfortable. The recovery took about a month, and took me 4mths before i could go back to exercise and run at my normal speed. Given a choice, i will not choose csec, unless for emergency. If you are concern about pain, can go with epidural, painless/minimal pain natural delivery. By the way, csec baby has lower immunity. You can read up a bit more on google. My no1 started wheezing and had bronchitis 3times within 6mths in infant care, had to pull him out of school to bring his health back. Have a safe delivery!
Read moreI initially wanted Csect cause I’m very afraid of needles, just wanted to sleep and be done. My gynae told me to think about it again and let him know few weeks before EDD. I did some googling on recovery process and time etc and decided to go with natural (if baby’s position allows). My birth experience was almost painless (other than contractions & after the epidural wear off). The pain lasted probably for 3-4 days after birth with the help of my painkillers, so by 1st week I was good. IMO, natural birth recovers faster & the only thing we have to be careful is below. Csect you have to be more careful even when you breastfeed in case you touch your wound & longer recovery time.
Read moreMy first pregnancy is natural… i have no issue with pain, coz i went for epidural. So it went smoothly. Healing is faster too, can start to do postnatal massage right after. And slim down faster. Get to experience your new born almost immediately. Just have to bear with the contractions before epidural, which to me, not so much of pain issue. But again, (touchwood) if there’s any complications during natural birth, will then send for c-section, but chances is not super high. Depending on your pre existing condition and doctor’s recommendation.
Read moreI decided on natural and have epidural cause my sis c sec didn't went well and have wound infection n not comfortable here and there and can't breastfeed also it took her awhile to recover so decide for natural. which I recover a few days later which I feel gd and can walk around and breastfeed. i wanted painless delivery so opt for epidural as I heard alot of friends who use laughing gas etc but still no use and feels even worse so straight away use epidural.
Read moreBoth will have pain. Natural delivery pain is before delivery , csect pain is after delivery. For me, I prefer natural because I don’t want to deal with after delivery (wound pain etc). However I have some friends that opt for csect straight away. Please also note that if this is ur 1st child and u choose csect, subsequently u will also be csect
Read morei experience both. if possible i dont want to experience c sec again. coz you wont feel anything during childbirth but once u woke up in recovery room its hell. my 3 child is c-sec due to premature birth. so i insist on my 4th child to be normal delivery and i did it. everything go smoothly. now 29 weeks pregnant hope my 5th 1 is also normal
Read moreI gave birth via emergency c sect cause water bag broke and baby in breech position. was given laughing gas to numb my body then epidural so not much feeling. the c sect wound I felt much better after one week and as the days goes by it gets better just that sometimes will hurt a little. during the process of the surgery you feel numb.
Read moreI let fate decide my baby wanna come out by csec or natural 🤭 my baby position wasnt right at wk 32 so doc mentally prepared me that i might nd csec if by the nxt apptment she doesnt turn. Anyway, i was afraid of pain yet i didnt go for c sec. I tahaned until 7cm then decided to take epidural (i tried v hard to stay away!)
Read moreI don't know why your doctor recommends C Sect when everything is in order. I had my first via C sect due to breech baby. I am aiming for Vbac for my current if everything is well. Healing process in general is faster compared to Csect in terms of internal healing.