Going for Labour
Hi all mummy my EDD IS on 27th June, when I go check up doctor say everything is fine how come she ask me to go for induce for Labour on 20th? I go for normal delivery not C-section

Induce doesn't mean c-sect. Unless, during the induction process, you are not responding to the meds or it makes you dilate till xcm then may need to do c-sect. So, yes, pls ask Dr to explain why you need to go for induction. Is it coz of baby position, eat birthweight at the higher end etc. At the end of the day, wishing you a smooth delivery mummy! 😊
Read moreWhy need to induce??!?!?!? Dont do it unless you or baby are at risk! Some doctors just want it fast and quick! Just wait till you’re due!!!!!!!! By all means chnage gynae if you have to!
Induce is normal delivery. But pls check with ur gynae why she ask u to induce. Eg: if you have GD and ur gynae thinks that ur baby is way too big etc?
Did you ask the doctor why she suggested for you to induce labor? You should ask her directly - we don’t know your full medical history.
Den tell yr doctor u dont want to induce lah. Unless u have some risks or what
check and discuss with your gynae why need to induce