First Period after C section

Hi Mummies, Yesterday I got my period first time after I have had the baby. My baby is 10 months old and it was a c section delivery. Although I am experiencing this period to be very different than my pre baby periods. There is no pain or cramping which used to be the case earlier and the flow is also not very heavy. I am not sure if this is normal? Any mummies can share their experience please ? How long will this period last? Thank you! #firsttimemom #advicemommies

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As i was not bf, i got my period on the 2nd month after delivery. I used to have painful period cramps, sore boobs etc but magically disappeared when i got my period after birth. However, my period now very very heavy. Even on the 3rd cycle still very heavy till 4-5 days. But itll end as per normal arnd 7th day. But few days after period end ill get brown discharge for few days. Not sure why, happens at every period cycle. But still thankful for the period, cs means im not pregnant😅

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Did you do an ultrasound in your follow up checkups after c section? I had natural delivery but had some retained tissue in the uterus causing very light bleeding. Good to check!

1y ago

Yeah doctor checked me after the delivery and she said all is normal

after birth our body is reset. so is normal that our period is different now. esp after confinement. is gd that there is no cramp! means ur body is healthier :)

wow you got your period so late. I had mine around 3 months after childbirth. yes less cramps and less flow now

1y ago

Yeah I am breastfeeding hence this late. Oh okay so less pain and less flow is normal ? Good to know