2 Replies

Hahahahaha mummy truly feel you dear. I get it too for my first child. Why was she not send to CC instead I send her to few hours of school? Why was she send to pre nursery but not Playgroup? I dont care and I dont bother. Our kids are our beautiful gem, how we upbring them, how we educate them it is all up to our choices and decision. Perhaps, people out there need to be sensitive and mind their own issues. Sometimes you do not know why they choose that path for their children. Can be due to unavailability of slots in the school of their choice, can be the expensive fees, can be financial. It can be a long list of reason that they finally decide what's best for their own beautiful gem. My advice will be you do you and dont care about others. Having said that, to have so many enrichment classes, activities can be too tiring for the kids. We have to ensure that they are passionate about it, they love it, they are happy to be enroll instead of forcing them. We have to consider their feeling and thoughts too. Whether this can mentally drain them or not. Are we a shallow minded parents? Not at all. We do the best to ensure our beautiful gem are not left behind too. Take care Mummy ❤😊

I feel you mummy. after becoming a parent, I've learnt to shut my ears when I need to for my sanity. 😅

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