8 Replies
VIP Member
Yes. Mine last abt 2-3 weeks.. Typically can last 2-6 weeks, depends on individual babies. Not only sleep regression, development as well. Every leap will be different. Be patient, will be over soon. Get help if you need. Jiayou!
Super Mum
I didn't really notice any big change but there are days that my baby fought sleep and woke up multiple times a night. It's usually just a couple days at a time, but it kept happening throughout the first year ๐
VIP Member
Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/tips-on-getting-your-baby-to-sleep-longer
VIP Member
My daughter was diagnosed with sleep disorder... Can last for a few months...
Super Mum
Yes. Around 1 month. There are many more to come... Jia you
VIP Member
Yes about 2 weeks
Super Mum
VIP Member