My eldest was with Shichida while my second is currently with Heguru. I feel that both methods are using alot on brain power and consistently exposing them to the same object to capture their attention. I cant say whether it works or not as my eldest has better memory retention at anything she sees. She was able to recog the memory cards v well, given the formed storyline. my boy, on the other hand, has v good attention span. he is able to see the flashcards and able to share with me on what he had seen, after his class. Both my children started the enrichment at 19 mths. I had seen some good progress but not able to tell whether i should contribute to Heguru or Shichidah as I teach them prior to letting them attend the classes.
My thoughts of Glenn Doman is that education may be stressful for children. But learning isn't. Education starts from 5 years old, K1 whereas learning starts from birth. So personally I would not use either or the methods and books for my LO. The most crucial time to build up a child's foundation would be from birth to about 6 years old. For me it starts from home and us their parents. I would however consider using the Glen Doman's menthod when my child is slightly older. Just my 2 cents. All the best mummy!
my 2kids are with Heguru when they are 19months old. so far for elder son he is not bad in his learning but attention span is still.. shaking head... can't sit still. the younger one who is going be 2yrs old seems to be able to learn pretty fast in following us the way we talk. so not sure if is due to exposure to this training program. but I feel if u can afford then can give it a try
I do the glen doman flash cards with my baby. Don't know if it works but my thoughts are, why not? And she seems to enjoy them so it's like a game for her