stop breastfeeding
Hi mummies, i would like to stop breastfeeding. Which approach is better? Get medicine from gp or use cabbage? Any other method? If take medicine from gp, how it works? Does it take a few days and what happens if breast has blocked duct?
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I gradually stop pumping (used to pump every 3hrs then went down to 6-12hrs each day) & latching then next few days no more engorged breasts aka milk supply.
Was told not to take medication not so good best is to use cabbage and eat chives or mint tea can stop milk.
I used medicine.. is faster maybe because my flow is low.
5y ago
may i know which medication, from gp or over the counter?
VIP Member
Seems to me the milk killing food works well lol.
VIP Member
eat those milk killer product better.
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