Infant hair cut
Did you opt to trim or shave your infant’s hair? Or did you leave it be?

We didn’t shave when our girl was born because she was born with thick black hair and didn’t shed (into patches) at all, so we let her hair grow naturally.
Which ever you are comfortable with. Some babies don't like their head shave. Mine for sure wasn't too happy.
Daughter had really nice thick hair so we just let it grew naturally. Definitely not a must to shave or trim!
I trimmed my girl’s hair when she was 3 months old cos it was touching her eyes and she kept rubbing.
I just leave my baby girl’s hair be! Cos I think girls botak not very nice! #vainpotmama haha!
I left ours to be :) so Glad we did. She has lovely Long locks now 3 years later
I left my son’s hair growing till he was over a year old before I had it cut
We brought them to shave and used their hair to make calligraphy brush.
Yes when they are one month old, we trim / shave the hair.
I shaved my daughter's hair, it grew nicely after that(: